What actually is SEO?

Here,I would like to emphasize to the most deciding part of the definition: ” Solving User Queries “

Whenever your user land on Google with their problem and search for solution for their query.It’s your main job role to provide them with solutions to their problems in the form of content.

But 99%  of the people focus on ” optimising your website ” more than ” Solving User queries part.

Infact I emphasize so much on the “Solving user queries “.My mentor Sanjay Shenoy renamed it as a SEOto UX – User Experience Optimisation.Because that’s actually what you have to do – Enhancing the experience of your user by solving their problems and making their lives better.

It is important to do because these users become your customers.

So you have to focus only to optimise for the users not for search engines even Google expects the same from you.

” Google only love you when everyone else loves you first “

Because Google can’t creat contents it is just a platform to search queries.Google needs us to creat content for it’s users.Google needs you more that you needs Google .Google wants to make sure their users always have the best experience through you and comeback for more.

Search engines work  in 3

main stages.




Crawling – is the Discovery process  ,here search engines send out a team of robots called spiders or crawlers to find new and updated content.Once these crawlers return with fresh or updated content,Google then tries to understand what the content is all about.

Indexing – Then goes to store and organise the content during Indexing.

Ranking – And when users types in query,Google tries to find most relevant answers from its index based on several factors and provides it to the users in the last stage called Ranking  


There are 200 different ranking factors based on which Google decides how and where to rank a page or content.

My mentor Sanjay Shenoy bucketed these 200 different factors into 3 categories.




RELEVANCY – Google will first check how relevant is the content on the page to the search query of the user by checking whether the exact search query or its variations of it present in the content.

Authority – For every search query ,you’ll not have only one single result,it has multiple results which might be relevant.Google then tries to decide how authoritative and credible a page is among all the relevant results.

USER SIGNALS – To make sure that Google is getting the first two categories right it also checks at user signals and sees how users are interesting with  particular page of a website

My mentor Sanjay shenoy helped me in building my own SEO,Search Engine Optimised website. 

Look I’m not telling you all theses for show off ,I’m telling you so that you know I’m qualified to provide SEO services for your website and help you to be successful in your field.